What Parents are Saying About Musical Munchkins with Andrea:
“Roses are red… Violets are blue… Musical Munchkins... We love you! Watching my daughter and all the other children’s faces respond to music is priceless… I have always felt music is Inside everyone… MIss Andrea has brought the beauty of music to our children. Who knows where their individual music will take them in the world… You have set an amazing foundation of exploration and happiness in all of us!”
“Musical Munchkins with Miss Andrea has been a blessing for me and the family. Liam’s biggest problem was interacting with anyone other than well-known family members. He would not even acknowledge anyone talking to him even another child he encountered in the park. On our first day of class, Liam would not participate at all. He dragged me to the back of the room as far from the others as possible. Surprisingly, when we left that day, the little guy said he had fun and wanted to go back. We did, and each visit got better and better. He is now participating with the class, holding hands, running around with the other children and even acknowledging the other adults in the room. This is after just 6 classes. He asks me every day if it is a “music school” day. The disappointment on his face is evident when I have to say not today. Liam and I look forward to continuing with Musical Munchkins.”
“Wednesday is our favorite day of the week because it’s Musical Munchkins Day. It’s been 4 months since we have been attending the class and I already have learned so many songs, and I love that Victoria starts moving/dancing as soon as we walk into the class. I tried a few different musical classes with my daughter and she never was as excited as she is in your class. She lights up when you start playing the guitar or when you take out the instruments. Thank you Miss Andrea for making our children happy!”
“My name is Hunter, I am 17 months old, and I wanted to write this little blurb in order to tell you how much I love Musical Munchkins Class. Miss Andrea is so nice, and she plays the guitar and sings really fun songs. There is a big group of other kids and their mommies and daddies, and we all get to enjoy her songs together. We laugh, sing, and dance together, and it’s really nice to be able to share my love of music with all my friends. Not to mention, all the many instruments to play with – drums, maracas, xylophones – you name it, she’s got it! So there you have it. I love Musical Munchkins! ”
“Musical Munchkins has been the most important activity for my daughter. Since she began music class last semester I have seen her have such a growing passion for music. We both look forward to our Saturday morning classes, it has allowed for such a special bond between me and my daughter! She really thrives from the group setting and has really learned to interact with other children. From marching around the room, jumping the sticks, giving high fives to holding hands and dancing with the other children really makes me so proud of all she is learning. Musical Munchkins has brought the joy of music into our home and I know that we will continue to be a part of the Musical Munchkin family for many, many more years to come. Thank you Miss Andrea for all that you do, your love, commitment and passion for music is displayed in the smiles of all the children that you teach. ”
“When I became a stay at home mom I really wanted to find a class my son and I would both enjoy. I’m so glad we tried Musical Munchkins because I’ve seen him blossom and it is pure joy to watch him have so much fun. He now dances around at home with his instruments and we all love to sing the songs on his CD. We already plan on getting him guitar lessons when he is older!”
“We love Musical Munchkins with Miss Andrea. This is our fourth session with you. When we began, Callie was extremely shy. I would have to carry her into the building and pull her off me to participate. Now, she walks into the class very excited to sing, play music and dance! Callie has grown so much! She has even gotten to the point of giving the teacher a big high five at the end of every class! If you know Callie, that is a big deal! When we are in the car we listen and sing to our Musical Munchkins CDs. Every Thursday morning Callie sings that it is Musical Munchkins Day with a great big smile on her face!!! This class has helped Callie become more independent and love music too! Thank you!!! ”
“Musical Munchkins with Miss Andrea is a wonderful educational program that every parent of a newborn to a preschooler will want to put their children in. My son Samuel, is also now attending. I have seen his progress from a very shy toddler to a more confident and outgoing individual. I can’t say enough good things about Musical Munchkins.”
“I started my daughter Penelope at 9 months old, and I was amazed that even so young my daughter would move to the music and laugh and smile. Now she is two and loves to sing and dance. She knows the songs, loves the instruments, and is always happy on Musical Munchkin day.”
“The joy and energy that our four-year-old emanates after her Musical Munchkins class with Miss Andrea is wonderful! I’m thrilled that my daughter experiences a beautiful “live” voice and music in an age where everything is automated and digitized. The warmth, care and inspiration given to each of the children is an invaluable introduction into music, song, dance, storytelling and language.”
“Miss Andrea, I had to write to THANK YOU for all your great work. When Kristen began at 6 months old she was extremely shy and cautious around people and other children. She is a very sensitive little girl and would cry if another child even touched her. She is now 2 1/2 years old and she LOVES going to music class and seeing all her friends. My husband and I cannot believe how she has “come out of her shell.” Even the other Moms in the group are all amazed at how she participates now. I fully believe signing her up for “music class” has been the best thing we could have done for her and will continue to do so. So again THANK YOU. ”
“My older daughter went to the 2s and 3s and the 3s and 4s classes and I saw such a growth in her musically as well as socially. It helped her gain the skills that helped her make a smooth transition to Pre-K. In Musical Munchkins she learned listening skills, became more independent and gained such a love of music and dance. She now is in her first year of ballet and is loving it. My younger daughter attends the 2s and 3s class and looks forward to it every week. She had always been very clingy to me and quite shy and after only a few months of classes she is listening and participating in all the activities in class. I would tell anyone with young kids to come and try out Musical Munchkins with Miss Andrea…. I would challenge you to find a better, more fun program in the area for the price! : )”
“I’ve seen my son come more and more out of his shell. He’s also a music fiend now. The radio must be playing in the house or the car at all times, or he yells “More!” at me. He’s also teaching himself some harmonica and ukulele, and dances up a storm to his nonna’s Italian records. Thanks for piquing my son’s musical interest.”
“So much LOVE for Musical Munchkins and Miss Andrea! Our daughter Ella has limited interactions with children. Most of whom are much older than her. She has truly blossomed and evolved into a more social baby due to the classes. The progression is exciting to see. In the first class all she would do was cling on to me, no participation. That shortly changed! Each week she opens up more and more. In the last class she attended, instead of waiting till the class was nearly over before dancing around and having fun; she immediately started running around, playing and flirting with another classmate. Instead of shaking her head at Miss Andrea when asking for a high five, she enthusiastically joined in. Thank you for the fun, music, dancing, and love!”
“Beyond the obvious, that Abbie LOVES to sing and dance and play instruments, I love seeing the growth… not just musically, but as a person as well. We have been coming for almost two years and when we started she could barely walk. Now, she jumps, walks, runs, marches and gallops to the beat. She can sit independently with her friends and participate in fingerplays or felt board “story” songs, and she can even stop in the middle of a song and find a friend to high five — or whatever the direction is! I had tears in my eyes the first time she grabbed a little friend’s hand to march along together! It is such a special time for us both! Thank you, Miss Andrea”